I’m excited that my poem Collectors of Curios was published in issue seven of t’ART Magazine. This one’s only available in print, but you can order it at https://www.t-artpress.co.uk/tartmag7. I’m looking forward to getting mine!

I’m excited that my poem Collectors of Curios was published in issue seven of t’ART Magazine. This one’s only available in print, but you can order it at https://www.t-artpress.co.uk/tartmag7. I’m looking forward to getting mine!
My poem “Photo from the Funeral Home,” which was published in Clio’s Psyche earlier this year, is now live online. It’s on page 98 (marked 348) at https://cliospsyche.org/…/ClioSpring20225-5-5-22FINAL.pdf. Or you can read it here:
I’m really excited that the online poetry journal ONE ART has just published five of my poems. I hope you enjoy them. See https://oneartpoetry.com/2022/05/28/five-poems-by-harrison-bae-wein.
My poem “Photo from the Funeral Home” just came out in the Spring 2022 issue of the academic journal Clio’s Psyche! It’s not available online yet–there’s a two-issue delay between publication and posting online–but it’s nice to see it in print. It’ll eventually be available at https://cliospsyche.org/archives.
I’m very excited that three of my poems were published today in the online journal ONE ART: a journal of poetry: “My Aunt When She Drank Scotch,” “Memory of My Grandfather,” and “My Mother Loses Me at the Department Store.”
As proud as I am to see these poems in such a fine journal, alongside poet laureates and other poets much more accomplished than I, I’m a little uneasy at their publication, as I know from past experience that people will inevitably ask me whether they are “true,” if these events really happened as I depicted.
The poems grew from my work with the marvelous poet Judith Harris, who I first met when I took her workshop at the Writer’s Center in Bethesda. She encouraged us to mine the past—not to document it but to find feelings and perceptions that could be crafted into poems that others could relate to. So they began with memories and impressions, but shouldn’t be taken as a chronicle of the past. This isn’t memoir; it’s poetry. But there is truth to them, and hopefully they feel true to you. I hope you enjoy them.
You can find them here: https://oneartpoetry.com/2021/10/15/three-poems-by-harrison-bae-wein.
I’ve been working on some poetry lately. “What’s Going On In There?” isn’t at all representative of what I’ve been doing. But I recently saw a call by Drunken Pen Writing for scary Halloween poems. A few days later, I was looking through some old poems of mine and noticed this short story that I’d never quite gotten to work. I wondered if it could work as a poem and gave it a try. I was much happier with it, and sent it off to DPW, which accepted it for publication. Read it here.